
About Me . . .

About me . . . Hmm . . .

Well, I am me.

I am, at present, a 36 year old woman, with a husband and two big fat fluffy persian cats.  I have a love for music - anything from classical to heavy metal - a love for films, a love of books, a love of art - and a love for writing.

Professionally I work for an internet retail company. Unprofessionally I'm a writer and an artist (you can check out some of my doodles on the 'Doodles of a writer' page)

I've considered myself a writer since the age of ten (thereabouts) when I wrote my first fantasy novel. It was 76 pages long and fully illustrated. And when that was completed I moved on to the next. I now have 16 novels written - ranging from horror, thriller and fantasy - and many more short horror stories. However, it hasn't been until recent years that I feel my style has improved. I now have a new found confidence in my work, have a thriller, 'Son of Jack', published on Amazon, along with a horror, TUNNEL, and a collection of short horror stories, 'A Bribe For The Ferryman', and will be continuing the hunt for a publishing agent for my fantasy series. Watch this space to see if I'm successful or not . . .

In the meantime, enjoy my blog. The enitial idea was to create a place where I could publish the random pieces of flash fiction written as exercises for our writers' group, but it's evolved a lot since then. Now you also get to read some of my thoughts and discoveries in the world of writing - and the world of fantasy art with 'Pic of the Week!'. I hope that some of the posts prove useful and interesting to other aspiring writers.

Happy following . . .