
Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Cat Anthology Update and Blog Hops I'm Participating In. . .

Bonjour one and all.

A little update - one, to let you all know what's going on, and two, to let myself know what's going on.  I have a memory like a sieve at the moment.

So firstly, a huge shoutout to Kyra Lennon over at Write Here, Write Now and her Cat Anthology!  It's being released in paperback 10th Novermber and they'll be doing a whole branch book launch in celebration.  I just wish I was a little closer then I'd definitely be attending that.  It's for such a great cause - Teignbridge & Totnes Cat protection - and as a crazy cat lady myself, I couldn't be more thrilled to have been invovled.  Thank you, Kyra!!

And there are not one, but TWO bloghops that are going on at the moment.

The first Bloghop is the ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE Bloghop hosted by Mina Lobo at Some Dark Romantic, Jackie at Bouquet of Books and Dani at Enteraining Interests.

This one looks like sooo much fun considering the whole Zombie theme that's been going on for me just recently - including a charity Zombie Evacuation run where I'm actually a zombie doing the chasing as opposed to a runner running the whole 5k assault course for their lives :) but more on that topic later...

The Second Bloghop is SPOOKTOBERFEST hosted by Cover Girls.  Another great fun thing that I'm looking forward to getting my claws in - nice, deep and bloody like, if you get my meaning :)

So if any of these sound like your thing, hop on over there and sign up! :)


  1. The cover for the cat book is great. Kyra did a good job.
    There are a LOT of hops happening in October. I'm co-hosting one and signed up for two others. (Two on the same day - that ought to be fun.)

  2. seems like a delightful book, love the cat model on the cover :)
