
Friday, 25 February 2011

Pic of the Week . . . Alena Lazareva . . .

A picture can speak a thousand words . . .

During my weekly searches for new and inspirational artists, I've often come across this one. As a writer I've often found myself imagining scenes to go with this picture, and ask myself the usual 'Why', 'What happened', 'What will happen'. . . etc . . .

Mermaids are great fantastical creatures, but I feel are slightly overdone and stereotypical. This is one reason why, despite my new novel being based around the mysteries of the sea, I've tried to steer clear of this particular path.

However, when you find them, there is some fantastic mermaid art out there. This piece, I feel, isn't as visually stunning as some that I've seen, but the very story the picture tells speaks a thousands words . . .

1 comment:

  1. This is a beautiful picture! It certainly does spark the imagination, doesn't it!
