
Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Musical Inspiration . . .

Have you ever listened to a song and then out of the blue a whole new story emerges? Just from that one song? It's happened to me (reminder of that post).

For many people, music plays a huge part in their inspiration, be it whole new ideas, or just to envoke certain emotions. I'm one of these people. I have so many CD's that I'm now struggling to house them all. My collection includes a bit of everything, from Heavymetal to classical scores, and from heavy trance and the likes to those ambient, chillout tunes. My first concert I ever went to was to see Jean Michel Jarre, and I still say, from all the concerts I've ever been to, that was one of the best. Visually stunning.

Going through some of my older CD's that get lost amongst the vast expance of my musical heaven, I came across a band called 'Airbourne Toxic Event'. They're quite a folky type band. Anyway, their first song I ever heard (the one that prompted my to get their album) was called 'Sometime Around Midnight', and the lyrics blew me away. I don't know what it will for you, but for me it certainly envoked some emotions, and so I thought it worthy of a mention.

So what about you? What song/band has inspired you the most when it comes to your writing?


  1. I usually have enya or mike oldfield playing in the background when I write.

  2. I like Enya. I sometimes listen to her too. I don't own any Mike Oldfield, but I do like his stuff...

  3. A Tool song inspired my first novel. Ben Harper, Mason Jennings, The Grateful Dead, and Dr. Steel all inspired short stories. Pretty much any music I'm really into has the ability to inspire me.

  4. Death Cab For Cutie is always at the top of my list, though I haven't been listening to music when I write lately.

  5. Music is very inspirational. There have been times when I have come up with tons of short stories just from one story alone. I consider it a 'theme song' for said story.

  6. Sometimes music inspires the story I'm working on, sometimes it distracts me into fantasy stories I am NOT working on. I listen to a variety of music: Abba, Aqua, Frankie Yankovic, Weird Al Yankovic, Boney M, Jars of Clay....

  7. Wow...Boney M. They bring back some fond memories.

    I agree that certain music can distract you. When I'm drawing, I like to listen to more upbeat things, but it is wrong for my writing.

    WB - I definitely have a few 'theme songs' :D
