
Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Son of Jack eBook Trailer . . .

I finished the first part to Son of Jack Sunday night. It falls just short of 21k. That's one down and three to go.

For those that don't know, Son of Jack is a novel I'm writing to be used as an experiment in epublishing. Our writers' group are in the midst of building an epublishing company (kind of) and come November, just in time for the Christmas rush, we're all putting something forward for publication on Amazon. If that's a success we may venture on to other things and other places.

We're building a website - well, Martin is - and the company name is 'Starfish eBooks' or Starfish PC (still subject to change) What does the PC stand for? I hear you ask. Publishing Cupboard. We're too small to be a Publishing House :D

So, Son of Jack: It's based around the fears of four strangers in a society shadowed by a serial killer, Son of Jack. I'm writing each character's story individually to begin with, and then later I'll add them together, interweaving them, to create the novel. I'm pretty syked about it. I've not really had much dealings with this Genre, so I'm finding it interesting - although after four weeks I am beginning to miss my beloved fantasy.

Still, I was so excited last week that I even made a book trailer for Son of Jack. I've never done one of these before and I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed doing it. It still needs tweaking but I'll leave that until later - and there's still a lot to learn regarding Windows Movie Maker, something I've never used before last week.

Take a look and see what you think - and you need sound The music emphasises it, I think.