
Friday, 8 March 2013

Pic of the Week . . . Salvador Dali

Today sees us delving into the weird and wonderful world of Salvador Dali.

I've always liked Dali's work, and one of the first pictures I ever bought myself was a print of one of his pieces depicting the human body and the circle of life (it also included the signature mini figure of him which crops up in most of his pieces).  So I got home, found a home for this piece on my wall and went on with life.  It wasn't until a couple of years ago, however, that I actually realised what I had been looking at all these years.  As with most of his work, there's always a lot going on, a lot to look at and a lot to miss - but how I missed this I'll never know.

A large part of the main focal point in the picture was actually a...erm... *cough...a male member.  The picture was sitting on my wall all those years and I never noticed?  How could that be?  I was just so glad my parents never studied the piece while I was still at home...oh imagine the embarrassment of a teenage girl...

Anyway, this piece, I think - I'm hoping - is clean with no hidden body parts to suddenly jump out and poke you in the eye - pardon the pun.  And seeing as I'm still all about Galleon ships and life at sea, I thought this was apt.

Enjoy and have a great weekend :)


  1. I absolutely thought this was apt :). And this is a wonderful piece by a really great artist.

    And it's member free!

  2. What a let down. I thought you were going to thrill us all with the Dali Member! The story reminds me of a Welsh Arts Grant to the Catholic School I taught in. The artist came and explained his concept to the whole school - something along the lines of a celtic motif celebrating the rise of the sun. The reality was two brick circles resembling testicles, holding a stately stone member pointing at the sky. It had a slit running down it, and, sure enough, at certain times of the year, the sun spilt over its top : )

    1. lol..I do apologise. I couldn't track down that exact picture. I'll remember it for future use :) Isn't it funny how our minds can find familiarity in the most innocent things. Wonder if the artist realised what he was doing at the time :)

  3. I like Dali's work and most of the surrealists for that matter.

  4. Wow, great pic:) I love sail so this particularly intrigues me:) Neat post!

    1. Hi Mark, glad you liked it. Thanks for stopping by :)
